Sulfur Dioxide Corrosion and Atmospheric Pollution
To minimize the adverse effects of sulfur oxides (SO2 and SO3) on the environment, many power plants and industrial facilities use flue-gas desulphurization (FGD) scrubbers to remove SO2 and SO3 from combustion gases. The conditions within a scrubber and accompanying installations are very severe, cumulative, and cause corrosion problems for common engineering materials. Failures threaten the environment for lengthy periods.
Sulfur dioxide (SO2) is a corrosive gas that is created by the oxidation of sulfur-bearing materials such as coals, oil, and natural gas. While it has long been deemed desirable to limit the concentration of SO2 in combustion gases that are released to the atmosphere, no completely commercially satisfactory, dependable SO2 removal system has yet been devised. SO2 emission is a particularly acute problem in the electric power-generating industry where large quantities of coal are burnt.
It is well known that sodium-based scrubbing solutions, such as sodium hydroxide in water, have a great affinity for SO2. Since such solutions are relatively expensive, attempts have been made to regenerate the sodium-based scrubbing liquors by reacting, or causticizing, the spent scrubbing solutions with an alkaline earth compound, such as lime or limestone. Such a regenerating process is mentioned in US Pat. No. 1,271,899 wherein a dilute solution of sodium sulfite leaving a scrubbing apparatus is reacted with lime to produce calcium sulfite as a precipitate and to regenerate the sodium hydroxide scrubbing liquor [2].
FGD is a set of technologies used to remove SO2 from exhaust flue gases of fossil-fuel power plants, and from the emissions of other sulfur oxide-emitting processes. In this system, equipment such as absorber towers, demister supports, gas outlets, recycle and process piping, process tanks, and agitators are highly exposed to corrosive and abrasive environments. Rubber linings have fundamental advantages so that neither the physical nor chemical properties of the scrubbing liquid have any major effect upon its service life. The main parameter affecting the life of the design is the diffusion of water vapor through the rubber that attacks the metal surface beneath and affects the process temperature. Chlorobutyl rubber of 60 Shore A durometer is used for the FGD absorber, associated demister internals, and other component piping. For agitators, rake arms, and gypsum dewatering, natural rubber of 60 Shore A is suitable. FGD absorber service life histories confirm that the chlorobutyl linings give trouble-free service when correctly applied and cured. Chlorobutyl linings offer excellent chemical, heat, weather, and ozone resistance compared to natural rubber [3].
However, the 60 durometer natural rubber specifically compounded for the FGD rubber absorption pipe has double the abrasion resistance compared to the chlorobutyl linings. In selecting a rubber lining for a pipe, either for recycled slurry, reagent feed, gypsum dewatering, or filtrate systems, one must take into account the volume flow, percentage of solids, and particle size to make the proper choice of the rubber compound. Laboratory tests comparing various durometer compounds showed vast differences in water absorption. A 40 durometer natural rubber gains five times the amount absorbed by a 60 durometer lining. Where abrasion is considered severe in FGD, 60 durometer natural rubber is the proper selection. When moderate to light abrasion is encountered, 60 durometer chlorobutyl lining may also be utilized.
In many FGD pipe applications, 40 durometer pure gum rubber compounds (i.e., with fewer fillers) give only 3–7 years of service whereas a 60 durometer natural rubber gives 7–10 years of life. Since most FGD scrubber piping encounters very light abrasion, installing chlorobutyl is expected to last in excess of 15 years. Chlorobutyl is better for the absorber and the demister supporters as the performance lining.
Power facilities are the largest generators of SO2, which may cause acid rain. Sulfur is one common element found in coal. When burned, the sulfur in coal turns into sulfur dioxide. When sulfur dioxide mixes with moisture in clouds, it creates acid rain. The power plants were required to meet the tougher air quality emission standards. Adding sodium-based exhaust gases reduces SO2 emissions by 98%. In the FGD units, reductions of the emissions by this amount have become the most common type of technology used in bituminous and coal-fired power plants. However, corrosion continues to prevail in the system.
There are two different designs used for FGD systems:
- 1.
Dry scrubber: This is used to heat up the incoming flue gas to vaporize the liquid in the lime slurry used to scrub the SO2 from the gas, resulting in a dry waste stream.
- 2.
Wet scrubber: This uses an excess of slurry and produces a wet waste stream. All internal surfaces as subjected to a saturated environment or are in immersion. This type of system is the most common.
An FGD system and its auxiliary equipment provide a wide range of parameters, which must be evaluated to tailor the proper lining system for the required process conditions. The following is a list of the basic parameters that should be considered for designing a rubber lining:
Chemical exposure,
Impingement, and
Sliding abrasion.